If you work for a young company, or keep in-house development to LAMP or pure Java, the persistence of IE6 will seem baffling to you. Why not just migrate off to a later review of IE? Better still (in our opinion) try Google Chrome.
The reason why IE 6 has such staying power has a lot to do with the level of Intranet development activity between 2001 and 2007. This period was a boom time for in-house development, and at one point IE6 had around 90% market share. Today that has dwindled to 20%, but what really prevents some of the worlds largest companies from killing IE6 is the millions of lines of code and thousands of man hours of testing they have invested in their IE6-era Intranet applications.
Unfortunately, in an effort to make their applications run and render smoothly on IE6 many developers lost browser portability. Your Intranet works on IE6, but nobody is testing the applets, html, javascript, activeX, frames, and everything else on IE7 and certainly not Firefox or Chrome.
The feedback we have had from our corporate clients is that IE6 Intranets and applications are going to be around for a few years yet, probably outlasting Windows XP itself, which is only supported by Microsoft until April 2014. To give you an idea of just how strong IE6 inertia is, consider the following:
- 360is know of around 30 unpatched security vulnerabilities in IE6.
- Performance running certain content is 10x slower than a modern alternative.
- IE6 doesn't support CSS v2, a cornerstone of modern web site design.
- Putting XP in a VDI and asking users to access it just for legacy applications is going to be too much hard work for most users.
- Running IE6 on VMware using ThinApp is not supported by Microsoft.
- Session Virtualization using Microsoft RDS is a better solution, but not everyone is experienced with this technology.